Managing Director and COO of Ares Management Capital Markets
Ms. Braun is a Managing Director in the Ares Global Client Solutions Group, where she focuses on supporting the operational function of Ares Management Capital Markets. Additionally, she serves as Chief Operating Officer of Ares Management Capital Markets, a subsidiary of Ares Management and registered broker dealer. She serves as a member of the Ares Management Capital Markets Investment Committee. Prior to joining Ares in 2013, Ms. Braun was an Executive Director at Parabellum Capital. Previously, she was a Director in the Investment Banking Division of Credit Suisse, where she focused on assisting clients in managing litigation risk and sourced alternative assets for the bank's syndicated loan underwriting and trading business. Ms. Braun began her career as the Head Compliance Attorney for the Leveraged Finance Unit at Credit Suisse, where she focused on providing transaction guidance and advice concerning high yield and distressed sales and trading, debt capital markets, credit derivatives, emerging markets structuring, and fixed income research. Ms. Braun holds a B.A. in Mass Communications from the University of California Berkeley and a J.D. from Brooklyn Law School.