Infrastructure Debt


Ares Infrastructure Debt sources global assets and businesses with defensive characteristics across the digital, transport, energy and utility sectors. Through 21+ years of industry experience, we have established long standing relationships allowing us to seek to generate exclusive deal flow and high-quality investment opportunities.

Our structuring experience helps enhance cash yield and reduce downside risks in a core asset class. Our 10+ years' track record, rigorous due-diligence and robust risk management processes mean that we strive to achieve stable risk-adjusted investment returns throughout volatile markets.

Infrastructure Dept Overview

Our Global Reach

245 Park Avenue
44th Floor
New York, NY 10167
T. (212) 710-2100

10 New Burlington Street
6th Floor
London, W1S 3BE
United Kingdom
T. +44 (0) 20-7434-6400

18 Robinson, #17-02
18 Robinson Road
Singapore 048547
T. +65 6653 1000

Suite 42.01, Level 42
Governor Phillip Tower
1 Farrer Place
Sydney NSW 2000

Targeted Sectors

Target transaction sizes range from $100 million to $750 million+ across core Infrastructure sectors including:

Infradept Digital
  • Telecommunication Towers
  • Fibre
  • Data Centers
infradept Transpor
  • Ports
  • Airports
  • Roads & Bridges
  • Rail & Rolling Stock
Infradept Energy
  • Renewables
  • Thermal Generation
  • Mid-Stream Energy
Infradept pipe
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Water & Wastewater
  • District Heating
Infradept key attributes

Key Asset Attributes

  • High barriers to entry
  • Long-term contracted cash flows or monopolistic characteristics
  • Defensive business case
  • Strong stable operating platform with a well performing underlying asset base
  • Robust governance structure incorporating ESG considerations
Investment Approach

Value creation through direct origination, bespoke structuring solutions and robust risk management.

We are one of the longest tenured investment teams in the infrastructure debt space. With a team of over 28 seasoned professionals, we act as the lead investor in the majority of our transactions and focus on adding value through originating, structuring and leading pricing and terms.

We aim to deliver attractive risk adjusted returns focused on cash yield by targeting infrastructure debt investments with defensive characteristics that have the potential to perform across different market cycles.

Having invested in the asset class for more than 20 years, the investment team has established an ability to manage downside risks through sound credit origination and management. We also benefit from collaboration across the Ares platform, which enhances our view of risk and value.


Ares Infrastructure Investor Relations

For inquiries regarding Ares Infrastructure Investor Relations, please contact:

General: [email protected]